Affordable wall Art prints Sale Online Australia by Local Artists

Framing, Hanging and Delivery


We offer box framing in multiple woods and colours for stretched canvas works, along with Window Mounted, Float Mounted or Framed to Edge options for works on paper, so you can find the right framing option for your artwork and your home.

Framing Options

Box Framing (Stretched canvas/board artworks): With over 8 base colours and custom colours available a box frame can suit any style. This frame type if for stretched canvas or wooden board only.

Window Mount (Paper/prints): A clean and finished look, any uneven edges are hidden behind a window cut mattboard.

Float Mount (Paper/prints): Lifting the paper up off the backing board with a 5mm mount will make your artwork pop! and give it a subtle shadow-line that will make is stand out. Great for displaying textured papers and rough edges, the focus is all on the art.

Framed to Edge (Paper/prints): Maximise real estate by framing right to the edge of the artwork paper. Often great for prints with white borders, meaning you can keep it simple and let the artwork speak for itself.


  • Frame colour should compliment the art, but you may also want to consider how it will work with the general decor and furniture in your home.
  • Art Glass is a great option if your artwork is going in a bright space where reflections may be a problem.
Dividing Line

Delivery and Hanging

We work with several professional couriers and hangers across Australia so you can get your artwork delivered and installed with confidence.


  • Hang so the centre of the artwork is level with your eye line.
  • Consider the weight of the painting and whether it will be best to hang from one or two points of contact.
  • Leave some white-space between the artwork and furniture, other walls, or ceilings to give it room to breathe.
Dividing Line

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