Alina Zorkina
Born in Ukraine, Alina's love for art is instilled in her earliest memories, painting profusely from the age of 5. At age 13, Alina was invited to pursue a Diploma of Arts at a local arts school in Ukraine. Soon after completing the diploma, Alina and her family left Ukraine to Australia for new beginnings. Since coming to Australia she continued her studies under artist and mentor George Haidar.
Alina continues to explore and grow in new mediums and styles every day, etching out her own unique methods and vibrant outcomes. Drawing heavily from the abstract expressionist period and todays modern street art movement, Alina focuses on tone, gesture, and markings to capture the energy of the texture and colour. Her art communicates a sense of escapism and strives to arise a sense of curiosity and create an emotional connection with the viewer, through meanings, ideas, and images.