Affordable wall Art prints Sale Online Australia by Local Artists

Our Top 10 Tips for Buying art


Choose art from the heart

Choosing art doesn’t need to be rocket science nor do you need a degree in art history. If a work of art makes you smile, or moves you in some way then you have been inspired, making a spontaneous emotional connection. If you find an artwork that you can’t stop thinking about, chances are it is meant to be in your life. Sometimes you find art and sometimes art finds you. All you need is a love and appreciation of fine art and a desire to collect it. If you don’t feel it, don’t buy it. It’s that simple.


Be confident

Buy art for yourself and because you love it, not because you think others will. Visitors come and go however you’ll live with that artwork every day. Have the confidence to express yourself with the art you choose. Don’t be scared to buy big and make a statement. Art is a great reflection of your own personality. Chances are if you are into it then people you love will be too.


The right place for your art

You don’t necessarily have to buy art to fit your interior or a particular wall. If you move or redecorate then the painting you matched to the couch or choose for the position may not work anymore. Speaking from experience, if you love it, there will always fond a perfect spot for it. Think about moving your art around your home. Swap your art around from wall to wall, room to room. It’s a great way to invigorate your home, keeping your home exciting and fresh. You’ll find artworks can look quite different once moved so experiment and you’ll soon be appreciating your collection all over again.


Make artwork the hero

If your artwork needs framing, create an overall harmony with the artwork it holds. The frame should neither dominate nor under whelm. Well-considered, quality framing will add value to your overall investment. Let us help you with framing suggestions.


It’s OK to be eclectic

Creating a diverse art collection is inspiring and unpredictable. Why not pair an original vintage poster with a life drawing? Mix it up and make your own rules. A home with one style of artwork can be predictable. Diversification is also great if you are considering art as a long term investment.


Use good lighting

Position lamps, rotate down lights and track lights to highlight artwork and create an inviting atmosphere in your home. If renovating or building, talk to the architect and electrician about your art (or future art collection) and how to use lighting to display it to its greatest potential.


Create your own artworks

Essentially art is human expression finding form, so give form to your actual life! Pin up your children’s drawings. Blow up an old photo and print it on canvas or wallpaper. Frame a series of postcards you find on your travels or give your toddler’s ceramic creation pride of place for all to enjoy. It’s about being real and feeling connected. Be creative - it doesn’t need to last a lifetime; but you can enjoy it for the while.


Give the gift of art

Giving art can be a perfect symbol of friendship, love or gratitude that will last a lifetime. Or be on the receiving end by asking family and friends to contribute towards an artwork you have selected to celebrate a special occasion.


Meet the artist

Meet the artist and hear their story, let that experience enrich your own connection. Share the artists story with others, inspiring them to fall in love with art too. If its not possible to meet the artist, we would be happy to put you in touch with them as we believe understanding why it was created adds depth and furthers your knowledge. Put simply, choose art from the heart. Fall in love with it, enjoy and cherish it. Talk about it with your friends. Tell them why you chose it and how it makes you feel.


Start your collecting today

There’s no better time to start collecting original art than now. It takes just one piece then you are on your way. Always keep it original and authentic. Buy a smaller original work if your budget is tight. Ask us about a payment plan if your heart is set on piece. Don’t forget about our 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. Imagine the collection you could have in 10 years from now if you start today.