Elizabeth Barnett

Elizabeth Barnett

Elizabeth Barnett is an artist whose creative practice encompasses painting, printmaking, textile and pottery. Often depicting domestic spaces filled with vibrant colour, collected botanicals, furniture, seasonal life and treasured items, Elizabeth Barnett's still life paintings are visually compelling compositions of colour and texture. Defying the expectations of still life, Elizabeth imbues her works with a liveliness and energy through her use of painterly gestures and emotive brushstrokes that add dynamic movement to each piece.

Elizabeth studied a Bachelor of Fine Arts Printmaking at The Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne 2002-2004, Bachelor Fine Arts Honours - Printmaking, RMIT, Melbourne, 2006, Masters of Arts- Illustration, Camberwell College of Art, London, 2008-2009 and was awarded the Collie Print Trust scholarship at the Australian Print Workshop in 2006. Elizabeth founded Schoolhouse Studios Inc with Alice Glenn in 2010, a not-for-profit artist studios complex in the former St. Joseph's Technical College in Abbotsford. Elizabeth is a committee member and producer for the Kyneton Contemporary Art Triennial.

Elizabeth Barnett's Artworks