2023 Dulux Colour Forecast

2023 Dulux Colour Forecast

Posted on 08 Feb 2023

Dulux has just announced their 2023 Colour Forecast, full of all the inspiration you need to transform your space into a sanctuary. Explore three emotive palettes drawn from our need to connect with nature, a desire for balance and calm, and a revival of our spirits with joy and play.


"The Balance palette features delicate pastels, oceanic hues such as soft greens, and deep moody teals and blues, punctuated with accents of deep garnet and near-black." – Dulux

This collection of colours is all about restoration – cultivating a sense of balance and calm through a beauty that is underpinned by structure and parameters. Inspired by the deep allure of the ocean, this palette draws on its untapped potential, allowing a calming, rejuvenating effect to wash over us.

Both elegant and refined, we suggest matching artworks with gentle harmonious lines and cooling colours. Consider Jenny Fusca's elegant and classical floral portraits, Trish Crampton's soft, aerial still lifes, or the ever in-stye Paule Marrot prints.


"The Connect palette features soft earthy neutrals, naturals, muted greens, and wheat yellows, combined with accents of warm deep brown, grey and charcoal." – Dulux

Bringing a strong, grounding connection to nature, this palette draws on neutral colours – including warm browns and timber tones contrasting with soft greys and earthy greens. Consider sustainability and authenticity, and take the time to contemplate what items you choose to connect with and surround yourself with at home.

The authenticity and brushstrokes of original artwork such as Mitch Vane's character portraits or Rosa Purbrick's artworks fit well with this natural palette. Alternatively, draw out the natural simplicity of colours and shapes, and connect directly with the landscape with the photographic work of Craig Holloway, Kylie Richards, or Maegan Brown.


"The Revive colour palette is creative and joyful, featuring soft blue and lilac used alongside vibrant emerald green, warm yellow and accents of playful pink and purple." – Dulux

A joyful collision of colours and patterns, this palette is about unleashing creativity and setting ourselves free from limitations and regulations. Whether you're looking to express yourself with gentle pinks, purples and tans, or be bold with vibrant greens and yellows, this palette is all about discovering new combinations and giving yourself the freedom to pursue unexpected creativity.

We suggest going for those bold artworks, full of contrast and personality. Consider Kate Florence's groovy figures, the playful quirkiness of Nadia Düsselberg's original art, or match vibrant colours with Anahita Amouzegar's and Angie Goto's works.

Shop for Inspiring Artwork Today

Buy affordable art online or find the perfect piece for any mood at Art to Art's Melbourne based gallery – located at 130 Bulleen Road, Balwyn North. Need some help finding that perfect piece? Get in touch and let us know what moods, colours or styles you're after, and we can help!

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